The 5 Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Seattle

Categories: Personal Injury

Searching for the best personal injury lawyer in Seattle can feel like an overwhelming task, but rest assured, we are here to help. People often search the internet for guidance, relying on search terms like “best personal injury lawyer in Seattle” to narrow down suitable candidates. Among the search results, you will likely find a...

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Common Causes and Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Categories: Personal Injury

Spinal cord injuries are some of the most severe types of injuries a victim can suffer. These catastrophic injuries affect many parts of a victim’s life, including their ability to work, daily activities, and mental health. An experienced personal injury attorney understands that rarely do spinal injuries affect only the victim; friends and family suffer...

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Average Settlement for Spinal Cord Injury in Washington

Categories: Personal Injury

It only takes a brief moment for a spinal cord injury to derail your life completely. While injuries can range in severity, even moderate injuries can substantially disrupt your life and the lives of your family and friends.  A spinal injury often leaves victims confined to a wheelchair or reliant on other mobility equipment. You...

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Average Sexual Assault Settlement in Washington State

Categories: Sexual Abuse

Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Every 9 minutes, that victim is a minor. If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you should know that it’s never your fault. A sexual assault has life-long consequences for a victim, and the harmful effects of such a traumatic experience often result in depression, shame,...

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What Constitutes Sexual Abuse in Washington State

Categories: Sexual Abuse

One of the reasons that many sexual abuse survivors decide not to file a claim is that they are not sure if they have a valid case against their abuser. Each state has its own definition of what qualifies as sexual abuse. What constitutes sexual abuse in Washington State may not be the same in...

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What Info to Collect After a Truck Accident in Washington

Categories: Trucking Accidents

We know how devastating it can be to suffer injuries in a truck accident. It can be overwhelming trying to determine what steps to take first. After dealing with the immediate aftermath, our clients frequently ask us what info to collect after a truck accident in Washington. Below are some key pieces of information you...

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Types of Product Liability Claims in Washington State

Categories: Product Liability

Businesses connected to a product can be legally responsible for ensuring that their products are reasonably safe for consumers. Companies falling short of this legal obligation can be liable for defective product claims. When you suffer an injury due to a defective product, you can be left with serious consequences. These include severe injuries, lost...

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How to Determine Fault in Car-Bicycle Accident in Washington State

Categories: Bicycle Accidents

Washington is one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the country. However, this distinction does not mean that bicycle vs. car accidents don’t happen in Washington. And when these accidents occur, they usually involve severe and even life-threatening injuries. Accidents between a bicycle and a car are not always the driver’s fault. Determining who is...

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