Experienced Washington Boating Accident Attorneys
There are more boats per capita in Washington State than anywhere else in the U.S. With their popularity comes inevitable boating accidents, sometimes fatal.
A boating collision is uniquely dangerous because, in addition to the potential for serious injury, boat passengers are often subjected to being thrown from the vessel and drowned. Boating collisions involving drunk boaters are also common.
With our extensive experience working with clients with personal injuries they suffered in boating accidents, we possess a huge advantage. Our Washington boating accident lawyers know what our clients will be facing as they move towards recovery, we know how to build complete and compelling personal injury claims, and we know how the insurance companies will respond.
What does a successful boating-accident claim look like?
When a client is suffering from injuries caused by a negligent boater, our Washington boating accident lawyers take special steps to identify the extent of their injuries and damages, and to determine how the collision affects our client’s life, now and in the future. Many injuries require long-term, costly medical care, and we ensure that this cost is fully factored into the insurance-claim process. A successful injury claim is one in which our client receives a settlement or verdict that enables them to fully recover financially, and compensates them for their current and future losses.
Contact Your Washington Boating Accident Attorneys Today!
Helping clients in Washington State, heal is our job contact us today!