Damages You Can Sue for in a Sexual Abuse Case in Washington

Categories: Sexual Abuse

  Sexual abuse is a harrowing experience that can leave lasting emotional, psychological, and physical scars on survivors. In Washington state, victims of sexual abuse have legal recourse to claim damages for the harm they’ve endured. This blog explores the various forms of compensation available to survivors, empowering them to seek justice and healing. Damages...

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What Constitutes Medical Malpractice in Washington?

Categories: Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a broad legal term encompassing many types of conduct that constitute a cause of action in a lawsuit. It occurs when a doctor, hospital, nurse, or other healthcare provider, through a negligent act or omission, causes injury to their patient.  In other words, a medical malpractice case holds healthcare professionals liable for...

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Average DUI Accident Settlement in Washington

Categories: Auto Accident

If you or a loved one is a DUI car accident victim in Washington, you likely want to know who will pay for your damages and injuries. Understandably, injured victims want to know what the average DUI accident settlement is. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. While we’d love to provide...

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Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Washington?

Categories: Wrongful Death

When you lose a loved one in a tragic incident due to the negligence or wrongful act of another, you may have the right to seek justice and compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. The law clearly outlines who can sue for wrongful death in Washington. Appointing a personal representative who acts on behalf of...

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Can I Sue an Institution for Sexual Abuse in Washington?

Categories: Sexual Abuse

Survivors of sexual abuse often have physical, psychological, and emotional scars. If you or a loved one has experienced such trauma, you may wonder, Can I sue an institution for sexual abuse? In Washington, the answer is yes. Legal recourse is available, and at Brett McCandlis Brown & Conner PLLC, we are here to guide...

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How Much Is a Whiplash Claim Worth in Washington State?

Categories: Auto Accident

Every car accident is different. The total compensation available for a Washington whiplash claim depends on your losses. The primary factors determining how much you can get for a whiplash claim include: The nature and severity of your whiplash injury, Liability for your whiplash claim, and Whether you work with an experienced personal injury attorney....

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How Do Whiplash Claims Work in Washington State?

Categories: Auto Accident

Whiplash injury claims work like most other personal injury lawsuits in Washington. To get compensation for your damages from a whiplash claim, you must prove that someone else’s negligence caused the accident and the accident resulted in your injury. You may be entitled to compensation for your injury if you meet these two requirements. An...

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Average Settlement for a Bicycle Accident in Washington

Categories: Bicycle Accidents

Washington is one of the most bike-friendly states in the country. But even with improvements in infrastructure and bike education, accidents happen. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, bicycle accidents injured 41,000 in the United States in 2021.  If you were injured in a bicycle accident, you could get compensation for injuries and...

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How to Report Sexual Abuse in Washington State

Categories: Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a serious crime that can devastate the victim, often leaving them silenced and alone. In Washington State, reporting sexual abuse is crucial in seeking justice, safeguarding others from potential harm, and protecting survivors’ rights. To help you take a stand against perpetrators, this article will guide you through how to report sexual...

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What Damages Can I Recover for a Motorcycle Accident in Washington?

Categories: Motorcycle Accidents

A motorcycle crash is a life-changing experience. Those that survive may feel lucky on the surface, but undoubtedly, are plagued with catastrophic injuries and substantial monetary losses.  If another driver caused your injuries, you deserve compensation. Read on to learn more about what damages you are entitled to recover from a motorcycle accident in Washington...

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