What Info to Collect After a Truck Accident in Washington

Categories: Trucking Accidents

What Info to Collect After a Truck Accident in Washington

What Info to Collect After a Truck Accident in WashingtonWe know how devastating it can be to suffer injuries in a truck accident. It can be overwhelming trying to determine what steps to take first. After dealing with the immediate aftermath, our clients frequently ask us what info to collect after a truck accident in Washington. Below are some key pieces of information you should gather after the collision.

The Police Report

If you’re wondering what information to collect after a truck accident, the first thing to obtain is the police report. This document will contain vital details about the collision, including:

  • Information for each driver;
  • Details about each vehicle involved; and
  • The date, time, and location of the crash.

The police report will also likely have statements from passengers and other witnesses. It is crucial to get a copy because it is a critical piece of evidence when it comes to filing your claim. If you’re not sure about how to get a copy of the police report, our office can assist you. It’s not always clear which agency produced the report, and we can help you track them down.

The Crash Report

Furthermore, you will probably need to collect a copy of the crash report. Police officers sometimes have a state investigator from the Department of Public Safety come to the scene of the accident. The crash report usually has the police officer’s opinion on what took place. It is also typically available much sooner than the police report. 

Open Records

You might also be able to obtain open records from your local police department. Open records sometimes have details about the accident, such as which officers were involved and the 911 transcripts. They may also mention when police officers learned about the collision. 

Mobile Device Records

You should also gather the mobile device records of the truck driver’s or the trucking company’s phone. These records can provide essential information about whether the truck driver was distracted while on the road.

Maintenance Records

Other records to obtain after a truck accident are maintenance reports. Trucking companies have to maintain and inspect all their vehicles on a consistent basis. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires all trucking companies to maintain their vehicles. And the maintenance records will show if the company is following these regulations. 

Having a copy of these records is vital because they can serve as evidence of negligence. For instance, the truck involved in the crash may not have undergone regular maintenance. The trucking company may have also not rotated or replaced the tires on the truck. 

Black Box Data

Another piece of information to collect is black box data. Black boxes can provide important details about the truck and its trip. Some data that the black box may have recorded consists of the following: 

  • Whether the truck driver wore a seat belt, 
  • Whether the driver applied the brakes, and
  • The speed of the truck right before the collision. 

It’s important to have a skillful attorney assist you in collecting this evidence. Trucking companies are not likely to voluntarily turn over this information to you without some prompting. 

Medical Information 

Be sure to keep copies of any medical records and treatment plans after a truck accident. These records will allow you to prove the extent of your injuries and help you recover the compensation you need. Medical records also clearly note the cost of your medical treatment. 

Records of Lost Wages

If you missed work due to injuries in a truck collision, you need to have records indicating the amount of work you missed. Even a temporary disability can cause an individual to be out of work for an extended period of time. By gathering employment records, you have proof of your lost income. This is vital when it comes time for our lawyers to help you file a claim. 

How Our Attorneys Can Help

Is it necessary to collect information after a truck accident? The answer is obvious: It’s absolutely essential. 

If you have any more questions about what info to collect after a truck accident in Washington, contact our experienced attorneys. At ​​Brett McCandlis Brown & Conner PLLC, we have over 40 years of experience and are ready to assist you. We will provide you with an honest evaluation of your claim. Our team can aid you in recovering compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

Our lawyers can help you to obtain the information you need to file your claim. Allow us to help you through the entire recovery process. Call us today for further details at 800-925-1875.

Author Photo

Matt Conner

Matt Conner has a proven track record of success. Following his graduation from Willamette University with a double major in mathematics and economics, Matt worked as an economist for the Office of Economic Analysis for the State of Oregon before moving onto working in mortgage banking and real estate.