What Are Pain and Suffering Damages?

Categories: Personal Injury

In Washington State, victims of personal injury accidents are entitled to collect compensation if another negligent party caused the accident. Along with damages for costs like medical bills and lost wages, victims may also be able to collect damages for pain and suffering. However, because every personal injury case comes with unique facts and circumstances,...

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Seeking Compensation for Staph Infection After a Dog Bite

Categories: Dog Bite

According to the American Medical Veterinary Association, 4.5 million people are victims of a dog bite every year. Of those, 800,000 people require medical attention. More than half of dog bites happen to children, who are much more likely to be hospitalized and suffer severe injuries. Even well-behaved and small dogs sometimes bite people. Typical...

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Who Can Be Held Liable in a Truck Accident?

Categories: Trucking Accidents

According to the Washington State Department of Travel, there were 6,213 accidents involving heavy trucks in Washington throughout 2021. Almost 700 of these accidents likely caused an injury. Heavy trucks also caused 70 deaths in 2021. For the last ten years, the number of heavy trucks involved in accidents has remained consistently high. Further, the...

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What to Do After a Slip-and-Fall Accident?

Categories: Slip and Fall

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3 million older adults are treated for slips and falls annually in emergency departments nationwide. Over 800,000 of these emergency department patients need long-term medical care. Broken bones and head trauma are common injuries that require immediate medical attention. Slips and falls cause 95% of...

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What to Do After a Truck Accident?

Categories: Trucking Accidents

Being involved in a truck accident can be a harrowing experience. Semi trucks weigh twenty to thirty times more than other vehicles. They are slower to stop, and the damage they cause in a collision can be catastrophic. Over 4,000 people were killed in semi-truck accidents in 2020. This statistic represents an over 25% increase...

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What Happens If a Dog Bites a Trespasser?

Categories: Dog Bite

In Washington, dog owner liability may not extend to you if the law deems you a trespasser at the time of the attack. Nevertheless, Washington has strict expectations of dog owners, so if you were bit by a dog while in a place you were lawfully allowed to be, you may be entitled to compensation....

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Why Is There a 10-day Quarantine for Dog Bite?

Categories: Dog Bite

Dogs are quarantined for 10 days to monitor for signs of rabies, a viral disease that can be transmitted to humans through bites. This observation period ensures that if the dog shows no symptoms of rabies after 10 days, the risk of transmission is eliminated without the need for euthanasia. The quarantine is a precautionary...

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Average Settlements for Slip and Fall Lawsuits in Washington State

Categories: Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents can be disruptive. They happen fast and without warning, often injuring the person who took a tumble. In fact, slip and fall accidents account for over 1 million emergency room visits a year, potentially leading to extensive medical bills and even long-term care costs. You may be entitled to significant compensation...

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